Christmas time...mittens and wine!

Posted by Zoe Fletcher on Monday, December 12, 2011
So as most of you know, at the moment i'm juggling 3 jobs ...adding to this that I insist on making people's Christmas presents - I have been submerged (and nearly impaled myself numerous times on knitting needles!) in all things wooly and work-related! Thus this is a long overdue update...New Year's resolution - become an avid blogger again - in my defence due a lot of the work i'm doing now (People Tree and Alpacas) is private until the launch...which leaves me with only House of Fraser shop speak (my weekend work) and my fantasies of a cosy warm bed to entertain you with!

However...I have just been cleaning my desktop and found a titbit of illustration I can decorate this blog with...On every other Saturday for the past couple of weeks I have been running "make and do" workshops for some amazing children! It is fantastic to see them all so passionate about creating and making things - and each week they are constantly surprising me with their knowledge and's the flyer to give you a taster of what we do!


I have also been busy knitting our christmas tree....yep the TREE not the decorations...i'll post a picture in all its glory soon!


Zoe Grace Fletcher Currently undertaking a PhD at Manchester Metropolitan University within the MIRIAD post-graduate department, I am beginning a practice based academic journey into British wool fibres and new technologies within knitwear design. Graduating with Distinction from a Masters in Fashion and the Environment at London College of Fashion, specialising in hand-knitting and the British Wool Industry, I have worked on a number of knitwear collections (personal and external companies), whilst freelancing and researching for a number of exciting projects. My work revolves around the idea of sustainable fashion from a knitted perspective and the different ways to achieve this incorporating the ideas of slow fashion into mainstream society. I love knitting. And wool. And double sided sticky tape.
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